Learner Qualifications
Nobody can be successful in a profession if
they do not possess reflected life and leadership-related work experience,
sufficient motivation and talent.
- Age
At least 30 years of age
- Education and work experience
Completed university studied (degree, state examination, MA, BA) as well
as at least 3 years experience in managing and guiding groups of employees.
Abitur (final secondary school exams) as well as a completed apprenticeship
and 5 years of work experience, at least 3 of which in managing and guiding
groups of employees.
- Health and legal requirements
The learner is neither in psychological care at the time of the training
nor does he have a criminal record.
- Acceptance of coaching values
Structured interview or test
- Skills related to the coaching context
(logical conclusions, ability to think in an abstract way, lingual
Structured interview or test